We almost didn't go. I had every reason not to. Iz was in a mood and if J- had been home she would definitely not have been allowed to tag along. One adult, three itty-bitties, it all could have gone very badly. Yet despite the odds it all worked out. We ran into some friends and the odds improved, a bit. Three adult can, more or less, keep track of five kids six and under. Baby Hey only completely

disappeared twice (for a second or two). hat girl was on a mission. After her first disappearance she came toddling back leading a brand new to her grandma to the playground by the hand. The second time she disappeared it was to join the races with her sisters. Sneaky and fast. We missed the dog show but Super O won five ribbons, and Iz got two. Everyone got cotton
candy, and anyone awake got an ice cream on the way home. Super O, Iz and I even caught the top half of the fireworks from the upstairs windows of the master bedroom to-be, and Baby Hey must have had an awesome time 'cause she slept from when she passed out in the wagon to after seven the next morning.
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