Monday, July 14, 2008

my little entrepreneur

So we get home from the park and Super O decides that she is going to have her own lemonade stand. I'm tired and in no mood to help her with her little business endeavour. Of course my little super mouse is too suborn to let go of the idea, but instead of fighting me she found a table (which I moved for her) and all the accessories necessary for a lemonade stand all by herself, and sat out in the hot sun waiting for customers.

It was a hot Saturday afternoon and Holy Cow did she have some success! Super O was nearly bouncing with excitement after her first customer who "gave me lots extra money", and was so excited that she ran right back out after being grudgingly dragged away from her stand for dinner.

What was her price for a cup?
Three quarters. I thought she was over charging but when I told her this she told me she was just going to have expensive lemonade. Mid afternoon she'd raised her price to "one dollar and three dollars", not quite exactly what she meant by that, but when I asked she told me that "that's just the price mom" and a roll of her eyes. She did tell me that the price was NOT $4.

How much did Super O make?
WOW! Next time I'm making her buy her own Country Time and cups. I am so proud of her, and her determination and success, and I'm grateful to the all the neighbours and pedestrians that supported her. BTW she bought a new black alley cat Webkinz with the money she made, and still has "lots of change" left over.
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