Wednesday, April 30, 2008

it amazes me...

It amazes me how fast drain rock is comes out of the wheelbarrow, especially considering how slow it goes in, and it's lightning fast compared to the many, many, loads of dirt and soil I've moved so far. I swear if I am not very fit, and very strong by the end of this project I am going to be very disappointed.

I've also been thinking about why working on the house upsets me so much, aside from the fact that I had not planned on helping AT ALL (when was that ever the truth, eh). I think it's 'cause this is J's project, J's plan, and J's house. He's building his own home and gets credit for it. He's seen as unstoppable, a machine. While the assumption is that either works stops when he's gone or that it is done by hired hands or contractors. Yes I've brought in some help, but I've also finished walls, cleared constructions debris, stuffed insulation and vapour barrier, finished drywall, and laid floor.
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