Thursday, February 28, 2008

i miss daddy!

O: What if daddy doesn't come back?
M: Daddy always comes back.
O: But what if he doesn't! What if there is a war and he gets DEAD!
M: Daddy always comes back. Daddy is very safe, but if something happens to Daddy, Mommy and Daddy have made sure that our family will be OK.
O: What if daddy forgets to bring something back for me.
M: Daddies bringing himself, isn't that enough.
O: Noooooo.
M: OK. If daddies doesn't bring something back for you when he comes home you can yell at him.
O: But what if daddy doesn't bring me even one little thing, not one big thing, not one little thing NOTHING!?!
M: Then you can yell at him and stomp on his toes.

O- is having a rough night.
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

i don't wanna get up!

Some mornings are tough, all three babies sleeping sweetly (dreaming of new trouble I'm sure) and it's so warm, and QUIET. I don't want to move, much less go around shaking sleeping bodies and brushing teeth in squirming mouths, or offering a breakfast that will be slurped, gulped, tossed or altogether ignored. Most mornings I brew up a cup of coffee and push on, but today I was weak. I hope one lazy morning doesn't make me a bad mum.

"But Mom, it's my library day! It's important!"
Yes, school is VERY important, but so is sanity, and for some reason weekends never start out peaceful.
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Monday, February 25, 2008

sunny days are here again

The last week or so we've seen a lot of sun and despite the enormous amount of work that needs to be done around the house, fact is my yard is not really safe and I can't stand to keep everyone cooped up inside all the time. A quick drive down to the beach to throw rocks in the ocean (we've been going to Whiffin Spit, but I'm thinking Elise Pt. may be more dramatic) is just what is needed when the sunshine calls. Unfortunately the trips are necessarily short as my shortest monster cannot seem to keep herself dry for more than maybe five minutes and it's still to cool out for her to be happy and wet. Yes I know I could dress her in muddy buddies or change her cloths, but I'm too forgetful to remember rain pants and I'm too lazy for more than one cloth change per outing.

When it's time to go Iz waves good-bye to the ocean, and somedays yells bye-bye to Daddy just in case.
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Sunday, February 24, 2008

i hate it when he's right

I admit it I do a lot more things with my girls when J- is at sea. Especially on Saturday mornings, when the girls are used to getting up and doing something right away, the lazy sort of lack of direction Saturday mornings are great for lead them to poke and prod and push each other's buttons until I decide we'd better get out of here and do something (no matter how much I hate the weekend crowds) before something bad happens.
I'm prepared and have season passes to a couple of fun spots in Victoria so quick escapes are easy. Yesterday I decided on the Bug Zoo. O- had a good time "I guess", but Iz got bored, and Baby Hey was just miserable. I managed to convince the staff to let us stay until O- got to wear a millipede bracelet but ultimately we did have to leave early 'cause Baby Hey would not stop crying.

On the sunnier side O- was really into the show (but she's still going to be a paleontologist when she grows up) and Izzy managed to amuse herself in the drawing corner, or by watching the *pond* for most of the show. Good thing Costco makes big, cheap, and yummy pizza's so we could all get some R&R when we got home.

I hate to admit it, but J- was right. The little monsters are moving into my bed. I'm so wasted at the end of the day that I can't stand the fight. I put them into their bed each night, but they've discovered that as long as they stay out of whatever I'm working on (and we have a king size bed so that's pretty easy I'll let them stay.
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Thursday, February 21, 2008

it will be nice

"It will be nice." is something I hear almost everyday by myself, by people coming to work on the house, by misc. passerby's who feel the need to say something. "It's coming along" is another popular comment.
Thing is the house will be nice, it just seems to be taking forever, and I sometime wonder if we really need all this space. Our house started out at a hair over 1100 square feet, it's closer to 2200 now, I know we can fill the space, do we need it? Probably not, but the possibility of being able to carve out a quiet corner a space to call my own it very appealing, and the little balcony makes me smile.
Now is difficult. My bedroom serves as master bed, TV room, dinner room, and sometimes play space. On the sunnier side spring is coming and soon we'll be living outside, and seeing as much of my garden is dug up and buried, and most of my yard is a dirt mountain, and the Blueberry is gone (but we still have the camper), I'm sure that will bring around a whole new set of problems
"Look Mom, deer poop"
I nod my head defeated.
"That's a sign of spring you know!"
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

pushing the limits

Is anyone else out there afraid of vapour barrier? Not to say I'm having ghastly nightmares of sheets of vapour barrier smothering me in my sleep. Not quite, but I am having fits about installing the stuff. This entire reno has been a reeducation. I'm just about done the insulation, I've fixed a wall, I've used power tools I've never used before, I've move electrical outlets, I've installed doorknobs, and soon I must install these large clear sheets of plastic horror. I've been procrastinating a bit 'cause I'm really not sure what the stuff should look like when it's done, and there seems to be pitifully little info on the subjects online, and what I can find does not seem to discuss the bits that are worrying me. Here is what I think I should be doing. I should be unrolling and stapling the sheets so they completely cover/seal all exterior walls, taping any opening and stapled bits. What I don't know is how to handle areas like around the floor joists, or how do I seal the stuff around windows, or what to do when a wall has no plastic over the studs like the wall between the living room and the garage. UHG. If anyone out there knows a good site, book, or video that covers this stuff, please pass it on.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

mom i need you!

Quick mom,

here's your camera, (I am NOT going to ask!)

take a picture of me and my baby sister!