Sunday, February 24, 2008

i hate it when he's right

I admit it I do a lot more things with my girls when J- is at sea. Especially on Saturday mornings, when the girls are used to getting up and doing something right away, the lazy sort of lack of direction Saturday mornings are great for lead them to poke and prod and push each other's buttons until I decide we'd better get out of here and do something (no matter how much I hate the weekend crowds) before something bad happens.
I'm prepared and have season passes to a couple of fun spots in Victoria so quick escapes are easy. Yesterday I decided on the Bug Zoo. O- had a good time "I guess", but Iz got bored, and Baby Hey was just miserable. I managed to convince the staff to let us stay until O- got to wear a millipede bracelet but ultimately we did have to leave early 'cause Baby Hey would not stop crying.

On the sunnier side O- was really into the show (but she's still going to be a paleontologist when she grows up) and Izzy managed to amuse herself in the drawing corner, or by watching the *pond* for most of the show. Good thing Costco makes big, cheap, and yummy pizza's so we could all get some R&R when we got home.

I hate to admit it, but J- was right. The little monsters are moving into my bed. I'm so wasted at the end of the day that I can't stand the fight. I put them into their bed each night, but they've discovered that as long as they stay out of whatever I'm working on (and we have a king size bed so that's pretty easy I'll let them stay.
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