Monday, March 30, 2009

one of those weeks

Super O:  Mom Princess Iz did something that I KNOW is going to make you mad. 

Me:  What.

Super O:  She's spilt the new paints in the sticks (bingo dauber) all over the floor.  

Me:  Ok, lets see.

Before going on I'd like to make it perfectly clear that Izzy did not have anything to do with the purple puddle on the floor, and when I asked her about it she said she was too tired (ie/lazy) to tell me what was going on.  

Super O:  See mom.  (yup it's a big puddle/stain)

Me:  Izzy did you do this 

Princess Iz:  NOOOOO.

O:  I saw you I was peeking.  

Me:  Let me see your hands.  (they're not purple)  Olivia stop accusing Izzy! (grrr)  Where's Baby Hey!   

and no sooner do the words leave my mouth than this walks in .

and while I was scrubbing this thing clean, somebody else decided it would be a FANTASTIC idea to turn herself purple.  You know 'cause she wanted her picture taken too.  
Of course she thought I was out of line when I lost my mind. I honestly thought she knew better.  Serves me right.

Monday, March 23, 2009

rule of mom


The higher you hide something the more determined you children will be.

baby hey's first haircut

With all her fluffy, baby fine, crazy, defies the laws of physics, type hair, I did not think her first hair cut would have been for awhile now.  Thing is I was sick last week, and while I was sleeping Super O opened a beauty parlor, and cut off Baby Hey's fuzzy locks.  

It could have been much worse, just lopped off the curls in the back and around her ears.  I'm sure the unpredictable nature of H- hair is helping with my denial, but man it still nearly breaks my heart to rub her fuzzy head.  

Befor you ask.  Yes I did manage to salvage a lock for her baby book, and no O- did not get into very much trouble.  Like I said I was sick, and o so tired.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

rule of mom


For every moment you take for yourself, you'll spend 10 cleaning up somebody elses mess.

a week of sick days

Super O's been home almost all this week. First with a soar throat, then with a soar ear, then a day off for parent teacher interviews. Sheesh.
By the way I am aware that my girls get way to much "screen time" and moments like this one make that fact glaringly obvious. Thing is I'm not 100% convinced it's a bad thing. I'm weak and Pokemon and helping each other learn to game are some of the few things the girls consistently agree on. RPG's are one of the things that really illustrated how much trouble O's having learning to read, and have helped me find out exacly how many letters and sounds she does know, as well as how good her problem solving skills can be.

So I may be guilty of raising geeks and media freaks. Does that automatically means I'm raising, unthinking zombies, desensitzed violent monsters, or couch potatoes? Costumes, gardening, cooking, building, ponies and pet shops, books and games are also part of our days, and even if my girls are a little warped,  I personally think it's genetic. I guess time will tell if letting the monsters feed their media addiction is an error as they grow.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Our house can be full of surprises. Now I'm not talking about shovels in the bathtub, or underwear in the litter box although both of those seem to be a possibility on any given day. I'm talking about when one sister admits that maybe she likes/misses/loves another. Today I found this little treasure, Super O drew this and wrote her sister's names all by herself. Maybe, just maybe there is some hope for us after all.